Last month, SustainSolar joined various industry players, at Enlit Africa 2022. Formally known as Africa Utility Week. Enlit Africa is the leading conference across the continent to facilitate networking, business development and deal making opportunities across key players in the power sector.
We were well represented on the exhibition floor, and our stand was powered by the SUSTAIN BOX™ , our recently launched free-standing, turn-key, plug-and-play, fully integrated cabinet, equipped with inverter and batteries. The scheduled product demonstrations offered an all-round experience to attendees and highlighted the product features, and its suitability for various off-grid and on-grid applications.
One such off-grid application is the electrification of health clinics across the continent. An essential part of providing health care services at clinics, is having access to reliable energy, critical to power medical devices, such as incubators, sterilization, cold storage for vaccines and medication, and lights for the provision of urgent care services
SustainSolar’s products (SUSTAIN BOX™, and the SUSTAIN COMPACT™) have electrified over a dozen of health facilities across Lesotho and Uganda. To date, the SUSTAIN BOX™ has been deployed across five sites on Lake Victoria (Uganda) with our partner, Equatorial Power and sponsored by Power Africa Off Grid Program (PAOP). The project was officially inaugurated by the USAID delegation and in-country mission last month at the Bugana clinic (here) As a recipient of the first round of the Power Africa award for health facility electrification (HFE) in Uganda – SustainSolar was selected, once again, as part of the scale-up of the Power Africa program together with its in-country partners, Equatorial Power and Aptech, to power 15 more health clinics – 4 in Sierra Leonne and 11 in Uganda. Read more about the grant here:
The conference ended on a high note for us as SustainSolar hosted the Power Africa delegation (led by Power Africa coordinator Mark Carrato) at our manufacturing workshop in Stellenbosch. Representatives from Siemens, USAID, USDA, EnerGrow, and Power for All ,were part of the delegation who received an in-depth overview of SustainSolar’s products range, a typical factory acceptance test (FAT), as well as its ability to scale and deliver rapidly, highlighting the catalytic role the healthcare facility electrification (HFE) programme has played in advancing access to energy and health services across the continent.
Special thanks to the Enlit 2022 organisers for a successful event post the covid19 pandemic, and we look forward to an even more successful EnlitAfrica2023 next year.
Founded in 2018, SustainSolar offers turnkey containerized, pre-installed solar PV and battery energy storage systems (BESS) equipped with top-quality solar PV electronics, including lithium-ion batteries which come in standardized yet adjustable product configurations from small to large to suit a wide range of energy needs. With its commitment to quality, a rapidly growing track record on the African continent, and an expanding network of local partners, SustainSolar is a preferred solution provider for mini-grid operators, off-grid and hybrid fuel saving applications. SustainSolar strives to reduce implementation risk for project developers, alleviates operational hassles such as sourcing, logistics, and commissioning and offers asset financing for its product range.